
Break them

Break them all
All the shackles, barriers, walls
Which, kept you weak
Which, kept you ignorant
Which, made you, numb,
With all its routine

Break them.

Let the spirit come out
Let it dive into
the ocean of openness
Let it fly into
The realm of happiness
Let it forget the dark
Chambers of rules.
Let it be relieved of
Every burden
Let it be washed off
Every confusion
Let it be itself
Let it discover itself
Let it find for itself
The infinite ways of freedom
Which, always were, but yet to tread
Let it listen to
The silence of serenity
Yet, feel the rhythm of eternity
Let it be the wind
Always in action
Let it be the sky
Never confined

The clouds of worries
Dry up, even without a drizzle
Life, will never seem the same
A new beginning
A new dawn
A new phase in all its grace
Welcomes you
Embraces you
And shows you
--- Yourself, your true self
having become what you wish to be
having accomplished what you wanted to do
having with you everything you craved for
being with the persons you love and those who love you.

1 comment:

vivekananda said...

Adrenalin has flown briskly through the veins when I am reading it and after few minutes,my consceince and age old behaviour pulled me back to usual despair.. :-))

But its really nice..filled with energy and encouragement..