
do we need nations? - my view

This started as response to Srujan's blog post http://doweneednation.blogspot.com/ but it is not an exact comment/response, but something written after reading that blog (written long back but posted today).

do we need nations?

let me see...

we do need nations... separated by, accepted & respected Logical Boundaries --which have always existed from past to present and will exist in future---. if nations separated by physical boundaries aid this acceptability and mutual respect there is no harm, but on the contrary will help us grow and evolve ; so said.. any boundary physical or logical if not respected will eventually lead to fight for survival of what the people in that nation identify themselves with.

nations are a bigger picture of individuals.

so let me understand the individual -- of course i never understood myself, this is just try to elaborate a piece of individual nature--

Division,differentiation, separation are wired in humans in their very conscience. their identification with self, which implies and leads to I and YOU, we and them, us and others.

this division, or separation is the so called individuality in modern terms---it is actually encouraged in present to have separate individuality from others. the people may think as a collective, outwardly; but there is an I and YOU internally.

when the human race, each and every individual can make that jump/transition of respecting each other as individuals and still doesn't(cannot) feel himself being separate from others... it may sound nonsense, but what I am trying to say is -- each person moving from--- an I -to- we -to- us -- my home to my nation to my species ...

Let me define a nation which i view will exist no matter what!
(it can be teritorial) what does it serve -- an identity. A group, a culture, the thing is something common and collective which identifies a bunch, may be a bigger bunch of people.

each person requires a personal space, they expect others to respect that boundary where u cant barge in, where you get hurt by an intrusion.

we move( may be out of an unknown necessity, a fear) towards finding a strong commonality( from now on commonality implies a strong commonality), something that gets us together, a mutual interest which allows the interaction to evolve closer and if possible lead to intimacy where separation seems illogical, but it starts from that common thing which should and will bring INDIVIDUALS together. If there is no strong commonality, (civilization or culture or the brought up of a social group i.e. society indicates us to respect others views, coz one day u will find yourself in their shoes) a nation cannot be formed; never on a sheet of paper with lines. It makes no sense; but a nation, where ever i refer to nation- i mean a collective group of individuals sharing a commonality- irrespective of sex, age( same sex or same age people can also be a nation). If there is no commonality, they are only individuals; but not collective; i.e you cant tag them(externally) under one commonality. But if there is a commonality which is different from the commonality that people in a different region or people in the same region identify themselves with then that itself forms a nation( no need of a tag, coz whether there is a tag or not they will feel as they are), may be not governed politically under different heads, but these are called communities, places ...may not be geographical but logically --deeply felt separations--- Nations.

the nations which are politically under one head are no problem, let there be a hundred more nations on this earth, let they be seperated by physical boundaries, but if these nations --- these
commonalities, if true ie. if the people comming under one nation truly identify themselves with that commonality--- respect that difference, that separation then there is no issue, no problem, if a nation can help and take help from other nations just as an individual in a collective group is ready to help others as they share that commonality, then the separation is the boundary called a mutually respected national space, if there is no respect then the logical boundaries take form of physical lines which are required to breathe the freedom from forced transformations.

other points .. i thought of but did not elaborate are 1. competition 2. self sufficiency


I,Me,Myself said...

Hello, good thoughts I truly agree that Division,differentiation, separation are wired in humans in their very conscience. their identification with self, which implies and leads to I and YOU, we and them, us and others. i feel individuality can actually help in termination of mental blocks,a person can respect others only when he respects himself....when we care for each other any boundary defined would be just for managing the society than for a fight to curb each others possession.

ASK Srujan said...

Hey Kavi.........

I liked the way you articulated the Post.... the flow of words sounded as though i am listening to a Rahman Song ;-)

Kavi, I totally agree with most of the things you have said. If i understand you correctly, you are trying to defend the Physical or Logical Boundary (which is Nation in this context) which gives a group of people a separate identity. I also agree that if an Individual exponentiated to a large Group then we need an identity to identify ourselves separately and to give ourselves a sense of togetherness and that identity can also be a Nation.

I am not against the Identity which you have been suggesting in your post. I am against the hatred and animosity which we are trying to create and accentuate through our Nationalism. Their are lots of commonalities we share within India like Andhraites (region), Hindus (religion), Telugites (language), Urban middle class (economic background), Post Graduates (education).... Despite having the above commonalities or separators... we dont feel insecure (some of us may be feeling insecure about our religion off late). When we talk about Nations, we are trying to secure ourselves from other nations irrationally and unnecessarily (higly contentious line)

Thanks for writing this post... i think i will start writing my blog allover again.



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